Friday 18 December 2009

'Evil' Evaluations!

Many of the groups I've been working with have finished their mini projects & I've asked the students to carry out an evaluation of the work they have produced.  I haven't yet met a student who likes to do evaluations!  Most see the process as a chore so to help them along I put on some Christmas music and enticed them with the promise of making Christmas decorations. 

For me, the evaluation process is's a time to reflect on everything we've achieved & to sort out which designs will be taken forward for further development.  For the students, it's a chance to reflect upon what new skills they have learned and to feedback to me what they enjoyed the most and what they think has been the value of the process.

Here's a sample of the Evaluation questions answered by a Year 8 group:

What has been the outcome of this term?
We have made a large canvas picture of our school Tree of Life made out of prints taken from objects found around the school.

What new techniques have you tried this term?
Using acrylic paints, printing with leaves & found objects, mono printing, block printing, spray painting, collage.

Which technique did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed layering different print technques with the leaves.

How does the work produced meet the design brief?
It reflects the identity of the school since we used all things found around the school.  It also has on the leaves all the subjects we study.  It is linked to science as it is a Tree of Life like Darwin made and it is about nature.