Friday 20 November 2009

DNA 'Sampling'

This term the visual research I'm carrying out with students is based upon physical aspects of the school: the buildings, gardens, local environment.  Each year group has used a different method of collecting evidence; some have taken photographs, some have foraged for items which have then been drawn or printed with, some have taken rubbings from various surfaces around the school.  I love the research stage of a project because it makes students really look closely at things that perhaps they've walked past a hundred times and never noticed.  We've remarked on how clean and tidy the school grounds are, we've noted the use of symbols & signs (in particular we love the little stick man who shows us where to walk!) and we've acknowledged how lucky we are to have a garden, Nature Reserve and such a beautiful green site in general. 

All of this 'evidence' we see as part of our school 'DNA' - it's what makes Oldbury Wells unique - and we'll be using our visual research to produce art work which reflects and celebrates the school.