Thursday 15 October 2009


The words 'DeoxyriboNucleic Acid' (DNA) have been imprinted on my brain since Secondary School, along with my Times Tables and the verb endings for the future tense in French! When I was asked to propose a theme for the Residency, I knew I wanted to do something linked to identity but didn't immediately see how I would link this to Science and then out popped that word, DeoxyriboNucleic Acid! Amazing how random bits of knowledge jump to your aid when needed.

There are so many issues surrounding the subject of DNA and the Human Genome that I can tap into visually - the idea of a genetic code, cloning, DNA fingerprinting, Genetic Modification etc. I shall also use DNA as a platform to explore the wider concept of identity in terms of both individual and whole school identity. So to get us started, here's a few fascinating facts about DNA.

If you unwrap all the DNA you have in all your cells, you could reach the moon 6000 times!

Over 99% of our DNA sequence is the same as other humans’.

DNA testing is used to authenticate food like caviar and fine wine.

A DNA fingerprint is a set of DNA markers that is unique for each individual except identical twins.

The website has some good visual resources about DNA which are suitable for students of all ages.