Monday 28 September 2009

Art V Science

Today I've been discussing with a group of Year 9 students the big question of whether Art and Science can work together in any way. My brief for this Residency is to produce artwork which relates to the Science College status of the school so I've been thinking alot about the relationship between the Arts and Science. In our discussion the students used words such as 'theory', 'factual', 'research', 'experiments' and 'testing' when thinking about science and they felt that art was more 'random', dealing with 'ideas', 'feelings' and 'concepts'.
One of the questions we will be seeking to answer this year is whether Art can illuminate/aid understanding of science and whether a more scientific approach to the art processes we use would give a different outcome. So there will be less 'random' splashing about of paint and more testing, experimentation and careful recording of results!