Wednesday 14 July 2010

The Last Post

This is my last posting on this blog....the hangings are now installed in Reception and look fantastic so my job is done.  I'm incredibly proud of the students of Oldbury Wells and the work they have created; it is vibrant, exciting, confident and complex - an accurate reflection of the students!  The work demonstrates what can be achieved through rigorous research, applied design skills and above all good teamwork. 

This has been a fantastic adventure for me as an artist and I have enjoyed every minute of working with the students.  Many thanks to all the staff, students and Governors of Oldbury Wells for giving me the opportunity to work in their school & I hope that you and visitors to school will enjoy the results of the Residency. 

Sunday 4 July 2010

Young Darwins!

Last Thursday I had a very enjoyable day leading an Art/Science event with students from our feeder Primary Schools. We used Darwin and his voyage on the HMS Beagle as our inspiration for the day, imagining we were the ship's artist carefully recording Darwin's botanical finds. Later in the day we became designers, using the botanical drawings as starting points for our own original print patterns. The prints were cut up and collaged to form a Tree of Life poster.....

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