Monday 28 June 2010

The End is Near!!

So this is the large hanging for reception finally finished!  I've been trying to work out how many hours of work have gone into least 100!  The two smaller hangings are also finished and are equally as detailed & vibrant so together the three will be visually very striking but hopefully everyone will take the time to look at the detail of them which tracks this wonderful journey I've had as Artist in Residence. 

Sunday 13 June 2010

Science Festival

I've just returned from a weekend at the Cheltenham Science Festival....amazing!  I've heard lectures from eminent scientists such as Lord Robert Winston & Jim Al-Khalili, learnt all about the latest developments in such diverse topics as flood control & hearing aids and gasped in awe at the large scale bangs and flashes created by the chemists on stage.  I am totally inspired!  If you have the chance to go next year then it is well worth the effort.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Heading for the finish line!

The 3 wall hangings for reception are now almost finished....just a few touches to add and then the binding & hanging. It's very satisfying to see them come together & I'm really pleased with how they are looking. I'm hoping they will be ready to hang in 2 weeks which should just leave me with enough time to create a small mosaic with the students.

Many thanks to Kevin who put up the paper mache sculptures in the science department today; they look fab!

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