Sunday 28 March 2010

Time Lapse Photography

Time Lapse photography is often used on Natural History programmes to show such things as the opening of a flower, the melting of snow etc and a group of Yr 9 students have been trying out the technique using a plant as a prop.  They agitated the leaves by spraying the plant with water and wafting air at it but we found that the movement was very can see it better in the photo below where we have superimposed all the images

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Endanger Rangers

As part of National Science & Engineering Week, I've been working with Yr 7 students to produce posters in response to the 'Endanger Rangers' competition launched by The British Science Association.  Students had to carry out research about an endangered animal & then present it in a visual form.  All the research had to be completed in the students' own time so I was very impressed that the majority of the class I worked with had done the background work which enabled them to then have fun with paints, stamps and glitter. 

Sunday 14 March 2010

A Riot of Colour

....that's how my workroom is looking at the moment as we start to put together the final hangings.  I've been busy the last week cutting up all the printed fabric panels created by the students and trying different ways of putting them together to form a coherent whole.  It's a long job and there's still alot of work to do to complete the hangings but I can see now that they will look vibrant, joyful and definitely be a riot of colour.