Sunday 31 January 2010

Natural Dyes

In my own art practice I try to be as eco friendly as possible and often use natural materials foraged from around my home to dye cloth.  Last week I showed students how materials we had found around the school site could be used as non toxic dyes. We wrapped cloth around items which rust, sprayed them with water and vinegar, popped them in a plastic bag and left the bag in a warm place for 3 days.  The students haven't seen the results yet but I think they will be amazed by the markings left on the cloth.....

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Coming Together

Well, it's been a fragmented start to the year with all the snow so I feel like I've only just back into my routine.  This term will be hectic but exciting as all of the ideas generated last term are developed into finished designs & pieces of textile art.  I've been busy cutting up and reassembling the wonderful prints that Year 8 created with's now looking like a vibrant art quilt and once finished I'm hoping to enter it into a Quilt Show.

The students haven't seen it yet; I think they will be amazed at what they have achieved and I'm certainly very proud of them.  We just need to add some stitching and sparkly bits....I say 'just' but the embellishment is actually very time consuming and labour intensive so I'll have a few blisters on my fingers by the time the quilt is finished!