Wednesday 14 July 2010

The Last Post

This is my last posting on this blog....the hangings are now installed in Reception and look fantastic so my job is done.  I'm incredibly proud of the students of Oldbury Wells and the work they have created; it is vibrant, exciting, confident and complex - an accurate reflection of the students!  The work demonstrates what can be achieved through rigorous research, applied design skills and above all good teamwork. 

This has been a fantastic adventure for me as an artist and I have enjoyed every minute of working with the students.  Many thanks to all the staff, students and Governors of Oldbury Wells for giving me the opportunity to work in their school & I hope that you and visitors to school will enjoy the results of the Residency. 

Sunday 4 July 2010

Young Darwins!

Last Thursday I had a very enjoyable day leading an Art/Science event with students from our feeder Primary Schools. We used Darwin and his voyage on the HMS Beagle as our inspiration for the day, imagining we were the ship's artist carefully recording Darwin's botanical finds. Later in the day we became designers, using the botanical drawings as starting points for our own original print patterns. The prints were cut up and collaged to form a Tree of Life poster.....

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Monday 28 June 2010

The End is Near!!

So this is the large hanging for reception finally finished!  I've been trying to work out how many hours of work have gone into least 100!  The two smaller hangings are also finished and are equally as detailed & vibrant so together the three will be visually very striking but hopefully everyone will take the time to look at the detail of them which tracks this wonderful journey I've had as Artist in Residence. 

Sunday 13 June 2010

Science Festival

I've just returned from a weekend at the Cheltenham Science Festival....amazing!  I've heard lectures from eminent scientists such as Lord Robert Winston & Jim Al-Khalili, learnt all about the latest developments in such diverse topics as flood control & hearing aids and gasped in awe at the large scale bangs and flashes created by the chemists on stage.  I am totally inspired!  If you have the chance to go next year then it is well worth the effort.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Heading for the finish line!

The 3 wall hangings for reception are now almost finished....just a few touches to add and then the binding & hanging. It's very satisfying to see them come together & I'm really pleased with how they are looking. I'm hoping they will be ready to hang in 2 weeks which should just leave me with enough time to create a small mosaic with the students.

Many thanks to Kevin who put up the paper mache sculptures in the science department today; they look fab!

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Wednesday 26 May 2010

The Power of Paper Mache

Never underestimate the power of good old paper mache!  When funds are running low then just a load of old newspaper, pva glue and willing hands are all that's needed to create wonderful sculptures like this shark.....
Watch out for this and other sea creatures appearing on science department walls soon....!

Sunday 16 May 2010


What a great surprise! I went to the Malvern show this afternoon to pick up our wall hanging & was overjoyed when I saw 2 rosettes pinned on.....we won 3rd prize in the under 16 category and an extra 'Well Done' merit rosette from the organisers. I can't wait to tell the students tomorrow!
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Wednesday 12 May 2010

Endangered Species Screensaver

This image is a compilation of various poster ideas created by year 7 students. Well done to everyone who took part, there were some fantastic posters and congratulations to Ezme Whitehouse and Laura Wilding for winning the inhouse competition.

The national poster competition was organised by the British Science Association as part of National Science & Engineering Week.  There were 3,376 entries in the KS2 category and although none of our entries won we all enjoyed taking part. Posted by Picasa

Quilts UK Malvern

'Endless Forms', a wall hanging created by 8EP and 8JLT as part of the art residency will be on show at Quilts UK, Three Counties Showground, Malvern from 13th to 16th May.  I will be at the show Sunday and I'm looking forward to seeing the students' work in a professional setting.  Drop in if you have the chance, I'm sure it will be a lovely show.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Time Lapse Photography

Time Lapse photography is often used on Natural History programmes to show such things as the opening of a flower, the melting of snow etc and a group of Yr 9 students have been trying out the technique using a plant as a prop.  They agitated the leaves by spraying the plant with water and wafting air at it but we found that the movement was very can see it better in the photo below where we have superimposed all the images

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Endanger Rangers

As part of National Science & Engineering Week, I've been working with Yr 7 students to produce posters in response to the 'Endanger Rangers' competition launched by The British Science Association.  Students had to carry out research about an endangered animal & then present it in a visual form.  All the research had to be completed in the students' own time so I was very impressed that the majority of the class I worked with had done the background work which enabled them to then have fun with paints, stamps and glitter. 

Sunday 14 March 2010

A Riot of Colour

....that's how my workroom is looking at the moment as we start to put together the final hangings.  I've been busy the last week cutting up all the printed fabric panels created by the students and trying different ways of putting them together to form a coherent whole.  It's a long job and there's still alot of work to do to complete the hangings but I can see now that they will look vibrant, joyful and definitely be a riot of colour.

Tuesday 23 February 2010


Students have been learning a very traditional textile skill this term - feltmaking.  Felt is actually the oldest fabric known to man with felted artefacts dating back to 600BC!  During feltmaking, wool fibres are agitated with heat, water and soap causing them to mat together to form a dense fibre.  Anyone who has shrunk their best wool jumper in the washing machine has effectively made felt!  None of the students had seen real felt before, only the synthetic squares often used for craft which are a poor imitation of the real thing.  It's a very hands on process -  energetic and very clean since we use lots of soap.  The students have moved quickly from making simple flat felt:

to making more advanced 3-D pod shapes, using their drawings as inspiration:

Sunday 31 January 2010

Natural Dyes

In my own art practice I try to be as eco friendly as possible and often use natural materials foraged from around my home to dye cloth.  Last week I showed students how materials we had found around the school site could be used as non toxic dyes. We wrapped cloth around items which rust, sprayed them with water and vinegar, popped them in a plastic bag and left the bag in a warm place for 3 days.  The students haven't seen the results yet but I think they will be amazed by the markings left on the cloth.....

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Coming Together

Well, it's been a fragmented start to the year with all the snow so I feel like I've only just back into my routine.  This term will be hectic but exciting as all of the ideas generated last term are developed into finished designs & pieces of textile art.  I've been busy cutting up and reassembling the wonderful prints that Year 8 created with's now looking like a vibrant art quilt and once finished I'm hoping to enter it into a Quilt Show.

The students haven't seen it yet; I think they will be amazed at what they have achieved and I'm certainly very proud of them.  We just need to add some stitching and sparkly bits....I say 'just' but the embellishment is actually very time consuming and labour intensive so I'll have a few blisters on my fingers by the time the quilt is finished!